Shocking Facts about Spam, Spyware, and How to Protect Your Organisation


Believe it or not, the first-ever documented instance of widespread spam actually occurred more than 150 years ago, way back in 1864. The spam consisted of an unsolicited telegram advertisement that was sent through Western Union, and it was basically a marketing ploy perpetrated by a dentist seeking additional clients.

It wasn’t until the late 1970s that the original electronic spam message came about, but this seemingly insignificant event forever changed the landscape of internet-based communication.

Thus, to help your organisation stay safe, secure, and streamlined, this brief article will cover the contemporary age of spam and malicious software by highlighting the statistics and solutions that you have to be aware of.

Spam and Malware by the Numbers

Spam is defined as an immaterial or inappropriate message sent by email to a massive number of recipients, but it’s important to note that today’s spam culprits have become increasingly sophisticated, technologically advanced, and devious. Modern spam provides an avenue by which malevolent actors can deploy viruses, ransomware, cryptolockers, Trojan horses, and other crippling software directly into your network, which is why spam is particularly troubling in the present day and age:

  • Back in 2014, analysts determined that roughly 50 billion spam messages were sent each day, but this figure has recently surpassed 80 billion per day.
  • The conversion rate of sales from spam senders is a paltry one in ten million, but the real issue revolves around the assimilated viruses and debilitating software within the messages and ads.
  • The cumulative economic burden of spam throughout the world is estimated to be well over €200 billion, but this shouldn’t be all that surprising when considering the extortions, scams, and intellectual thefts that stem from spam.
  • Spam exists on nearly every single electronic platform, including smartphones, email programs, blog sites, social media, and search engines, which means that a single instance of spam can quickly infect even the largest and securest networks.
  • The countries that produce the most spam are Brazil, India, South Korea, Vietnam, Russia, and the United States.

As such, it’s not enough to simply have a virus protection program in place. You also need to partner with a reputable spam defender, such as Mailcleaner.

How Mail-Cleaning Software Can Help

As the most affordable, accessible solution, mail-cleaning software is essentially an anti-spam gateway that safeguards the vulnerable area between your company’s tech infrastructure and the Internet.

It is tailored to protect small businesses, large corporations, and even governmental entities by blocking viruses, malicious messages, and other harmful entities from creeping into your network. Studies have shown that the top-rated mail-cleaning programs can eliminate up to 99% of spam across every single platform, not to mention the fact that it can be seamlessly integrated into your system.

So be sure to visit the landing page of a reputable mail-cleaning provider to get started on the process and finally obtain comprehensive protection for your organisation.

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